A group of organizers have planned a march in Sterling this Saturday to coincide with the Washington, D.C., March for Our Lives to "demand Congressional action on gun violence," a release said.
According to the release, the Loudoun March for Our Lives will take place this Saturday, June 11, beginning at noon.
The march will begin at Cascades Stone House pool on Fernbank Court at noon, marching about a mile-and-a-half to Potomac Falls High School, the release said.
"The coalition selected a local high school to highlight that children are the most vulnerable victims of our nation’s gun violence epidemic and obsession with military-grade, assault-style weapons," the release said. "Gun violence now is the leading cause of death for children in our nation, surpassing car accidents, COVID and cancer."
According to the release, the march is being organized by a coalition comprised of Loudoun Interfaith Bridges, Loudoun NAACP, Loudoun4All, Loudoun Moms Demand Action, the Loudoun County Democratic Committee and the Loudoun Chapter of the National Organization of Women, along with a number of volunteers.
Two Loudoun County high school students will speak on Saturday, including Nora Thimmesch of Dominion High School and Kylie Miller of Rock Ridge High School. According to the release, they'll be speaking on "their personal reasons for fighting for gunsense."
The Loudoun County Sheriff's Department and the Sterling Volunteer Fire and Rescue Departments "work[ed] with the organizers to ensure an organized and safe event."
The event will also see representation from Equality Loudoun and New Virginia Majority, the release said.